Oobermind: RDJ out, remplacé par Will Ferrer

Publié le par Isa

Robert aurait-il un agenda surchargé dans les prochaines années? Il semblerait qu'il ait renoncé à prêter sa voix au dessin animé Oobermind.

Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill, and Brad Pitt Join ‘Oobermind’
Published by Jeff Leins on: August 17th, 2009

DreamWorks Animation announced today Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill, and Brad Pitt have joined Oobermind, an animated twist on the superhero genre.  Ferrell replaces Robert Downey Jr. as the voice of Oobermind, a diabolical villain with a bit of a quandary. Maybe the official synopsis can clarify:
When super villain Oobermind (Will Ferrell) defeats his archrival Metro Man (Brad Pitt), the world should be his oyster.  But instead, Oobermind falls into total despair.  It turns out that life without a rival is life without a point for him.  So, he creates a new superhero rival, Titan (Jonah Hill).  Unfortunately, the new hero wants to be a super villain, too.  Caught in the middle, star reporter Roxanne Ritchi (Tina Fey) asks the tough questions:  Who can we turn to?  Who has what it takes to stand up to this menace?  Who will defend the innocent?  Oobermind!  That’s who.
It sounds like the toon studio’s answer to Pixar’s The Incredibles only with probably more pop culture references and no Craig T. Nelson.
While interesting additions, all three have done voice work for animation before.  Pitt provided the vocals for the title character in DreamWorks’ Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas.  It was the worst performing title for the studio at only $26 million domestic, which begs the question, “If an A-list actor does a voice, but no one is around to hear it, does it still count?”

Newsinfilm.com, 17 August 2009

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